
Showing posts from January, 2019

The Fifth Commandment - Geekdom of God Ep. 31

In this week's episode, I examine the Fifth Commandment, which instructs us to honor our parents. I look at this command both from the child-to-parent perspective, as well as the responsibilities of parents to their children, as I see these going hand-in-hand. Join my Discord Server: Support me at

Guild Chat: "Hard Work"? and Inspiration vs. Self-Condemnation

Both of these episodes are examinations of social concepts, now that I think about it. The first one, "What even is hard work anyway?", discusses the term "hard work," one that I've found to be somewhat nebulous the more I try to figure out its parameters. The second was inspired by a train of thought I had while driving. It is a critique of the way in which we often measure ourselves against others, rather than being inspired by them, often to tragic results. Direct video links: What even is hard work anyway? - Inspiration vs. Self-Condemnation -

Let's Learn Stellaris Episodes 15-19

Stellaris is a fun game! This week saw another war attempt by the Larongo, which ended poorly for them. I also made a lot of expansions. But perhaps the most important thing was me beginning to look into more details of the effects of buildings for my colonies. I'm understanding more and more of the mechanics of the game, which is what this particular series is supposed to be all about. I am calling it "Let's Learn Stellaris" after all! Direct video links: Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 15: Learning Details - Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 16: Rescue Attempt - Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 17: Aggressive Neighbor - Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 18: Expansionism - Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 19: Mass Upgrades Time! -

The Fourth Commandment - Geekdom of God Ep. 30

This episode is all about the Fourth Commandment, which is the one commanding the observance of the Sabbath day. I start by discussing the historical context of the Sabbath, then look at how Jesus approached. I conclude by examining the principles of the Sabbath and how they apply to today. Join my Discord Server: Support me at

Guild Chat: Guild Wars 1 Skill System and Space Stations!

This weekend I talked about why I love the Guild Wars 1 skill system so much, and how I think ideas from it can fit into other types of games. I also talked about how much I like space stations in my science fiction, as well as a science fiction adventure game I'd like to see exist so I can play it. Direct video links: Why I love the Guild Wars 1 skill system and want its ideas in more things. - Space Stations Are Awesome! -

Let's Learn Stellaris Episodes 10-14

I continued playing Stellaris, as I've not finished this first game yet. It's one of those games that can take a while to play, heh. But I'm having fun! A lot of stuff has happened this week, including some very strange occurrences at the colony I decided to name "Iceland." And one of my scientists has introduced a "virus" that mutates humans into another form. I don't think it's harmful, though? Direct video links: Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 10: Unpopular In The Galaxy - Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 11: What Is a Human? - Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 12: Why did I name this planet Iceland? - Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 13: A Measure of Peace - Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 14: The Cybrex Homeworld -

The Third Commandment - Geekdom of God Ep. 29

This episode is part two of my nine part series on the Ten Commandments. It's on the Third Commandment, which is all about God's name. As such, I dive into that topic in detail! Join my Discord Server: Support me at

Guild Chat: Narrative Delusion and Twitter

Here are the Guild Chat videos for this weekend. In the first one, I talk about a psychological phenomenon where the narratives we believe in can delude us, causing us to ignore reality as a result. In the second one, I talk about my feelings on Twitter. As you might guess from the title, they aren't positive, but I go into more nuance than just that! Direct video links: Narrative Delusion - Why Twitter Is Bad for Society -

Let's Learn Stellaris Episodes 5-9

This week of Stellaris saw a lot of change. I met my first intelligent alien neighbors (and several more arrived soon afterwards!), and they declared war on me. I'm not sure how much I want to pursue offensive action against them or not, but I feel pretty confident in my defensive position right now. Direct video links: Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 5: Maybe Aliens? - Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 6: Galactic Empires Take Time to Build... - Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 7: Definitely Aliens! - Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 8: Friendly Black Hole - Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 9: A Defensive War -

Dreamlogic: And now it is time for some design planning

I've learned that I tend to be someone who gets overwhelmed easily if I try to envision too big of a thing at once. So for everything I've done with RPG Maker, it's always started off with experimentation. What can I do with the tool? Of course, I inevitably run into the point where I want to have some, you know, consistency or something. A story, perhaps, with things like plot arcs. These need some planning. I've hit that point with Dreamlogic. So I've begun the process of figuring out my party members, from whom the worlds will be derived. This is an important part of the process, but one that I tend to get bogged down with. I'll need to figure out how to not have that happen here. Uh, nothing major to say beyond that. But a short post doesn't hurt, does it?

The First and Second Commandments - Geekdom of God Ep. 28

Welcome to part one of my nine part series on the Ten Commandments. It's nine parts because today I'm talking about both the first and second commandments, as they're similar enough that talking about them on different days didn't make sense to me. I bring up Ezekiel 16; here's a link to read all of it: I also suggest watching these previous episodes for more on the topic of having no other gods before God: • Episode 16 - Why God wants people to worship Him: • Episode 17 - What does the Bible say about money?: • Episode 24 - Relying on God: Join my Discord Server: Support me at

Guild Chat: Self-Acceptance and "True" Wars 2

Here are the Guild Chat episodes from this week. In this first one, I talk about self-acceptance. It's a topic I've been thinking about because of how important it is to do. I'm not talking about something superficial here, by the way—I'm talking about accepting the truth of who you are so that you can change and grow and make full use of your gifts. The second one discusses what I'd want from a mechanical sequel to Guild Wars 1; a "spiritual successor." Guild Wars 2 is very different mechanically, and I heard another YouTuber ( WoodenPotatoes ) talk about this idea. I have very different thoughts on it than he does, however, so I figured I'd share my take. Direct video links: Self-Acceptance - "True" Wars 2: What I'd want from a Guild Wars 1 spiritual successor -

Let's Learn Stellaris Episodes 1-4

Hey everyone! Here are the Let's Learn Stellaris episodes from this past week! I started playing this week, and had a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to playing more! Direct video links: Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 1: Getting Started - Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 2: Building Starbases - Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 3: Colonizing Across the Stars! - Let's Learn Stellaris Ep. 4: Expanding Borders -

Prioritizing God & Sacrifice - Geekdom of God Ep. 27

Prioritizing God and sacrifice are two interlinked and important topics about which I think we can easily have the wrong attitude. Here's Matthew 25:14-30, which I make reference to but don't actually read: Join my Discord Server: Support me at