Looking Back On 2023, Looking Ahead To 2024

The changing of the year is both a time of looking back on the year that was and a time of looking forward to the year that lies before us. I think both practices are valuable, and I'm finding myself wanting to reflect on the major events of 2023, while also looking ahead to how I want to focus myself in 2024, with a particular intention towards building on and continuing the places of growth I experienced last year. Let's begin in the past, then look ahead to the future! Looking Back On 2023 As some of you may know, I have a Patreon , and for that Patreon, I write a daily diary entry I call Dear Patrons... wherein I share events of the day and things I'm thinking about. I first write these up as a text document that I carefully name to give me a summary of something about that day that was important to me. This served as an excellent resource for reviewing this past year, and it meant I didn't have to try to rely on my memory. Indeed, there were many things I'd do...