Seeking Tension's Source

I have long suffered from tension headaches, and for just as long, I've prayed, asking for God to heal them. But when I do, I hear a firm "no," and now I think I know why: the tension that causes the headaches is a symptom of an underlying problem, and I think God wants to address that deeper issue. To explore what I think is going on, I want to first establish my tension symptoms and their history. Feeling Tense The tension I experience is primarily in my neck, shoulders, upper back, and head. I also suspect I experience some tension around my chest, though this is harder to observe. With conscious effort and intent, I can relax these muscles, and it does feel like they are tense most of the time; indeed, that seems to be the default state. This tension at minimum contributes to a sense of fatigue, which impacts concentration and tiredness. It can escalate into a full headache, which can be fairly debilitating. I have found that keeping well-hydrated helps manage the sev...